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[KOMARINE 2021] S&SYS, showcased the IAS(Integrated Automation System) that proved the competitiveness of cyber security

S&SYS participated in the ‘22nd KORMARINE(2021)’ held at BEXCO in Busan from October 19 to 22 to showcase the integrated automation system.


‘SSAS-Master’, which was approved this time, is an Integrated Automation System (IAS) optimized for ships such as LNG carriers, Oil tankers and Container ships. And this system was already installed and under normal operation in Celsius LNGC (IAS), JAWA LNG FSRU (IAS/RCS) which built in Samsung heavy Industries shipyard.


 The system provides various information about the vessel, acts as an interface between more than 20 types of equipment, including ship systems and sensors, and allows manual and automation of thousands of alarms within the vessel to identify abnormal conditions in operation. In addition, with a single operation computer, ship engineers can control all situations.

 S&SYS, recently applied for the cyber security type approval (SL3) by recognizing the importance of cyber security risk management and developing technologies to respond to the application of advanced integrated operations and control systems to ships.